Friday, October 31, 2008

Stop whining about GG and Castle Zagyg

This whining about Gygax Games shifting gears with the publication of Gary Gygax's legacy is beginning to annoy me. It annoys me far more than the recent business decisions of that company.

Am I the only one who was wondering why it took so long to release Upper Works? That thing was supposed to be on store shelves years ago. YEARS AGO. I could only guess why. My best guess was that Gary's failing health delayed its completion. Or maybe it's because of something about the nature of Troll Lord Games? I don't know.

It's so easy for people to jump to the conclusion that the family of a deceased celebrity would exploit the deceased's estate to selfish ends. Such scheming might be likely if the family in question had nothing to do with the life of said celebrity. But, as far as I know, Gary's family was supportive of his work.

I think it is likely that the Gygax family is very protective of Gary's legacy. So much so that they have their own ideas of how his intellectual property should be handled. Call me crazy but I think it stands to reason that the surviving members Gary's family are the only ones to make that decision. Fans can cry and stamp their feet all they want. The reality is that they are the ones calling the shots and there isn't anything we can do to change this situation.

Does anyone remember the existence of hobbits in D&D? Gary wasn't interested in incorporating elements of The Lord of the Rings in his game. He was far more interested in the works of Robert E. Howard and Fritz Leiber than that of J.R.R. Tolkien. But the folks that Gary gamed with demanded elves, orcs, and hobbits. So the first incarnation of D&D included those fantasy races. But the Tolkien estate took issue with this. Specifically, they objected to the use of hobbits, a fantasy race that was invented by Tolkien and was central to his stories. They did not object to the game itself. In fact, they did not pursue the issue further once the name of the D&D race was changed to "halfling." And eventually there was published a role-playing game based on Middle-earth. (I would be interested in reading the precise legal details of this conflict someday.)

Did this make the Tolkien family money-grubbing ogres? No, it didn't. Did they ruin the legacy of one of the greatest authors of the 20th century? No, they did not. They realized the importance of his work. They protected it. They were very cautious about handling their inherited intellectual property. Ralph Bakshi's movie aside, it was a very long time before that family allowed the production of a movie based on The Lord of the Rings. Tremendous care was taken with Tolkien's remaining notes and letters about Middle-earth. Books pertaining to his invented mythology were published slowly. They did not "sell out" or exploit his epic work in an unreasonable manner.

There isn't any doubt that Gary Gygax was the godfather of all role-playing games. It can be argued that Arneson and others were indispensable to the precipitation of the genre but that's the subject of another discussion. The fact remains that Gygax and his Castle Greyhawk mega-dungeon was one of the primary testbeds of Dungeons & Dragons. The dungeon beneath Castle Greyhawk was the axis about which the entire Greyhawk campaign revolved. Many of Gary's famous modules set the example for others. But his most famous dungeon, for whatever reason, remained unpublished for all of these years. Make no doubt about it. The dungeons of Castle Greyhawk was his epic work.

I won't get into the history of Gary's relationship with TSR and other companies. When he planned to finally publish his epic mega-dungeon, he had to change the name to Castle Zagyg for legal reasons. Historically, Gary's Castle Greyhawk was just a dungeon and nothing more. No surface ruins, no local environments, nothing. So when he decided to publish it, he rightly thought it important to properly place it within a sandbox campaign setting. Putting it in WotC's Greyhawk campaign was out of the question. But he managed to work around it. This took time and delayed the publication of the actual dungeon itself.

Why did it take so long? As I said, we can only guess. Personally, I was annoyed with the never-ending delay of the release of Castle Zagyg. It stands to reason that the factors contributing to the delay of its publication were directly related to Gary himself, the people he collaborated with, and the game company publishing the product. Those factors and nothing else were the reasons for the seemingly never-ending delays. But Gary ran out of time and now he is with the Great Gamer in the Sky. The future publication of Castle Zagyg now has absolutely nothing to do with the factors that have heretofore delayed its release.

The bottom line is this. We haven't seen any part of Castle Zagyg produced by Gygax Games. We don't know how quickly it will be produced. We don't know anything about its quality or how closely it follows Gary's plan for the dungeon's final published form. It is not our place to second-guess the abilities of the Gygax family to handle Gary's legacy.

So settle down and just wait and see. For all we know, further publications of Castle Zagyg may be of astonishing quality and released very quickly. Or maybe not. The fact is that we have no reason to think it will be one way or another. We have no choice but to place our faith in Gygax Games and respect whatever decision they make. Because that's the way it's gonna be.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The adventure path is gaming entertainment

I recently joined a D&D gaming group. In one of my message exchanges with the DM, I asked him if this was to be an adventure path or sandbox campaign. He explained that it would be a mixture of both. Curiously, he also explained that he was sometimes frustrated with his players because they seemed reluctant to interact with the world around them. And when NPCs react to their actions in a negative manner, they seem "shocked."

After writing a lengthy response to this recent message, I realized that it was too long. So I decided that a long-overdue blog post would be in order.

My new DM explained that his campaign is a mixture of both adventure path and sandbox. In my humble opinion, I would argue that it can't be a mixture of both. It must be one or the other. Either you have a story you wish the players to follow or you don't. If you have a story, it is not a sandbox campaign.

As for his occasional frustrations with his players, the problem (again, in my humble opinion) he is having is that he is giving the players the freedom of a sandbox campaign when he is actually running an adventure path. They are expecting the DM to provide the next "cut scene" (to use video game parlance) that presents to the players the next stage of their quest. They are depending on the DM to entertain them, to tell the story. They want the DM to have the king summon them to the throne room and present the quest. They want the DM to roll out the red carpet before them and present the goal of the next quest on a silver platter.

Dungeons & Dragons was not originally designed to play adventure paths. This mode of game play has evolved into being over the years because of our natural inclination to appreciate a good storyline. In my continually humble opinion, playing RPGs in this manner should not technically be called a "game." A better term would be "gaming entertainment." It is a perfectly valid form of game play. It is not "false" or somehow wrong.

Pro wrestling is not a sport but rightfully termed "sports entertainment." That is because there is a written storyline and the wrestling matches are generally choreographed. The opponents train and rehearse together beforehand. Back in the old days, pro wrestling was real. And wrestlers really did get hurt. Promoters realized that if their star wrestlers were getting hurt, they were not in the ring and therefore not attracting large crowds. So they decided to fix the matches. And, ultimately, they scripted them with the goal of entertaining the crowd and thereby making lots of money. This formula has worked for that industry for decades.

My new DM is definitely running an adventure path campaign. He has a story. He naturally wants to see it completed. He went to the trouble of planning it. He spent the time writing it. Perhaps he spent money on a module that he wishes to have the players see to completion. He might even envision how the big showdown with the bad guy is going to play out. He and his players have made an investment in this business of playing Dungeons & Dragons and they expect to see a return. The point is that they won't see the end of the DM's story if the PCs die. So the DM will be tempted to look the other way if there is a bad die roll. He will be tempted to create a deus ex machina in order to avoid the much-maligned Total Party Kill. That is the line that is crossed and that is where D&D ceases to be a game and becomes gaming entertainment.

In an earlier post, I extolled the virtues of sandbox campaigns and I declared that I would only play that type of campaign from now on. Well, I'm eating my own words! In the area of the country where I live, gaming groups are few and far between. After unsuccessfully attempting to restart my local D&D group, I've been putting out feelers to join an existing group. This new DM seems like a nice guy and he's planning to run a campaign set in Greyhawk. If it is to be an adventure path, that is fine. I'll help the party see it to completion. But hopefully along the way my rogue will rise in power and take over the local underworld!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Swords & Wizardry

The good folks at Mythmere Games have published Swords & Wizardry, a new version of the Dungeons & Dragons game as published in the early 1970s. It appears to be something in between the booklets of 0e and the Holmes' basic edition. As it states in the introduction, it is "an approximate re-creation of the Gary Gygax original fantasy role-playing game, created using the Open Game License." The PDF version is a FREE DOWNLOAD but you can also pay a few dollars for a printed copy.

I heard about this work via James Maliszewski over at Grognardia. Although I don't always agree with James' harsh criticism of 4e, I intensely enjoy his perspectives of "old school" fantasy RPGs. As a matter of fact, he was the editor of this S&W rule book.

I'm glad that someone has gone to the trouble of reinterpreting the 0e rules for modern gamers. Although I have PDFs of the original game, they were written for gamers who were already familiar with strategy war games and at a time when the term "role-playing game" was not yet coined. Even if you are not interested in actually playing S&W, it is sure to provide insight into the early days of D&D. It should also provide some guidance for conducting your own "old school" style of gaming. Maybe it will inspire the reader to simplify gameplay.

Who knows? Perhaps it will inspire me to take advantage of the OGL and publish my own S&W adventure module.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

4e Monster: Aerial Servant

This is my first monster that I've created for 4e. It is the first monster listed in the 1e Monster Manual and I've added it to my list of 1e Monster Manual monsters for 4e. You might notice that I've added Frequency, Environment, No. Appearing, % In Lair, and Treasure Type. This is because I'm putting together my own house rule Monster Manual with the intent of playing 4e D&D in the old school fashion.

For reference, I used the descriptions of the aerial servant from the 1e MM p. 6 and the 3.5e Tome of Horrors p. 9. If you are familiar with the AD&D aerial servant, you'll know that it can be summoned by a PC cleric. In 4e terms, this obviously requires some sort of ritual spell. Unfortunately, I have not defined such a ritual here.


Frequency: Very rare
Environment: The Elemental Chaos
Number Appearing: 1
% In Lair: 0
Treasure Type: Nil

The aerial servant is a semi-intelligent form of an air elemental. It is typically encountered only due to summoning.

Aerial Servant Level 16 Solo Lurker
Medium elemental magical beast (air) XP 7000
Initiative +17 Senses Perception +8
HP 770; Bloodied 385
AC 32; Fortitude 29, Reflex 30, Will 25
Immune disease, poison, non-magical weapons; Vulnerable 10 thunder
Speed fly 12 (hover)
Action points: 2
M Airy Crush (standard; at-will)
+21 vs. AC; 2d8+7 damage, and the target is grabbed (until escape). The grabbed target takes 2d8+7 damage at the start of its turn while grabbed.
r Wind Blast (standard; recharge 4 5 6)
An aerial servant can release a blast of wind. Ranged 8/16; +21 vs. AC; 4d10+7.
Natural Invisibility
This ability is constant, allowing an aerial servant to remain invisible even when attacking. This ability is inherent. This ability does not function when an aerial servant is on the Astral Plane or Ethereal Plane, but instead grants the creature lightly obscured concealment.
Spellcaster Link
When summoned, an aerial servant creates a mental link between itself and the caster who summoned it. Should the aerial servant fail the mission it has been assigned, it returns to the caster and attacks him. The aerial servant can find the caster as long as they both are on the same plane of existence. If the caster leaves the plane, the link is temporarily broken. Once the caster returns or the aerial servant enters the plane the caster is on, the link is immediately reestablished and the aerial servant moves at full speed toward the caster's current location. Only when the aerial servant or caster is destroyed, is the link permanently broken.
Str: 23 (+14) Dex: 21 (+13) Wis: 10 (+8)
Con: 18 (+12) Int: 4 (+5) Cha: 11 (+8)


Aerial servants attack by using a shearing blast of wind as a weapon or by grabbing an opponent and crushing it within their powerful grasp. Aerial servants can only be killed on their native plane. If slain elsewhere, they simply dissolve into wisps of vapor and return to their home plane. An aerial servant's natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.


A character knows the following information with a successful check.

Arcana DC 10: Aerial servants are semi-intelligent creatures from the Elemental Chaoes that often roam the Astral Sea. They normally are only found on this world as a result of some sort of summoning ritual and commanded to perform some task, often being required to use their immense strength to carry objects or aid the summoner.

Arcana DC 15: Aerial servants can carry weights in excess of 400 pounds.

Arcana DC 20: If the aerial servant is frustrated from completion of its assigned mission it becomes insane, returns to the spellcaster which sent it forth.

[Disclaimer: I'm relatively new to making 4e monsters. Although I'm pretty sure I did a good job, I may have missed a few details. If you think there needs to be changes, let me know.]

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

1e Monster Manual monsters for 4e

This is an index of all the monsters listed in the first edition of the Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual written by E. Gary Gygax and originally published in 1977. Each entry has either a link to home brewed statistics written for the fourth edition of D&D, a page number indicating where it can be found in the 4e MM, or page number references to information that can be found about the monster in various previous editions of the game.

Most of the monsters are from The Monster Project over at EN World. That effort has the goal of creating 4e stats for monsters that appeared in any of the previous editions of the D&D. My index focuses exclusively on the 1e Monster Manual. My index is not intended to supersede The Monster Project in any way. If you create your own 4e version of monsters from any of the previous editions, I highly encourage you to post it there.

As part of my ongoing blog, I will occasionally post my own 4e versions of 1e MM monsters. I will, of course, update this blog entry with a link to my own work.

I will try to continually update this blog entry. Click on this link and then create a bookmark for this blog entry so you can check for updates in the future.

Entries that are colored red and in bold face have yet to be defined in 4e terms.

If anyone knows of 4e statistics of any of the listed monsters, please let me know.

In this list, I use the following abreviations:

1e: First edition D&D rules. a.k.a. AD&D.
3.0e: Third edition D&D rules.
3.5e: The revised third edition D&D rules.
DaD: Deities and Demigods
DMG: Dungeon Master's Guide
ESH: Expanded Psionics Handbook
FC1: Fiendish Codex I
FC2: Fiendish Codex II
Frb: Frostburn
LoM: Lords of Madness
MoF: Monsters of Faerun
MotP: Manual of the Planes
MM: Monster Manual
Snd: Sandstorm
ToH: Tome of Horrors


Aerial Servant
Ant, Giant
Ape, Gorilla
Ape, Carnivorous
Axe Beak


Badger, Giant
Baluchitherium (1e MM p. 8)
Barracuda (1e MM p. 8)
Basilisk (4e MM p. 26)
Bear, Black
Bear, Brown
Bear, Cave (4e MM p. 29)
Beaver, Giant (1e MM p. 9)
Beetle, Giant, Bombardier (1e MM p. 9)
Beetle, Giant, Boring (1e MM p. 9)
Beetle, Giant, Fire (4e MM p. 30)
Beetle, Giant, Rhinoceros (1e MM p. 9)
Beetle, Giant, Stag (1e MM p. 9)
Beetle, Giant, Water (1e MM p. 9)
Beholder (4e MM p. 32)
Black Pudding (1e MM p. 10; 3.5e MM p. 201)
Blink Dog
Boar, Wild (1e MM p. 11; 3.5e MM p. 270)
Boar, Giant (4e MM p. 35)
Boar, Warthog (1e MM p. 11)
Brain Mole (1e MM p. 11)
Brownie (1e MM p. 11; 3.5e ToH p. 48)
Buffalo (1e MM p. 11)
Bugbear (4e MM p. 135)
Bulette (4e MM p. 38)
Bull (1e MM p. 12)


Camel, Wild (1e MM p. 13)
Carrion Crawler (4e MM p. 40)
Catoplepas (1e MM p. 13)
Cattle, Wild (1e MM p. 13)
Centaur (1e MM p. 14)
Centipede, Giant
Cerebral Parasite (1e MM p. 14)
Chimera (4e MM p. 41)
Couatl (1e MM p. 15; 3.5e MM p. 37)
Crab, Giant
Crayfish, Giant (1e MM p. 15; 3.5e ToH p. 73)


Demon, Demogorogon (1e MM p. 16; 3.5e FC1 p. 61)
Demon, Juiblex (1e MM p. 17; 3.5e FC1 p. 66)
Demon, Manes (1e MM p. 17; 3.5e MM p. 45)
Demon, Orcus (4e MM p. 206)
Demon, Succubus (4 MM p. 67)
Demon, Type I (Vrock) (4e MM p. 58)
Demon, Type II (Hezrou) (4e MM p. 56)
Demon, Type III (Glabrezu) (4e MM p. 54)
Demon, Type IV (Nalfeshnee, etc.) (1e MM p. 19; 3.5e MM p. 45)
Demon, Type V (Marilith, etc.) (1e MM p. 19; 3.5e MM p. 44)
Demon, Type VI (Balor, etc.) (4e MM p. 52)
Demon, Yeenoghu (1e MM p. 19; 3.5e FC1 p. 78)
Devil, Asmodeus (1e MM p. 20; 3.5e FC2 p. 155)
Devil, Baalzebul (1e MM p. 21; 3.5e FC2 p. 151)
Devil, Barbed (1e MM p. 21; 3.5e MM p. 51 "Hamatula")
Devil, Bone (4e MM p. 62)
Devil, Dispater (1e MM p. 21; 3.5e FC2 p. 143)
Devil, Erinyes (1e MM p. 22; 3.5e MM p. 54)
Devil, Geryon (1e MM p. 22)
Devil, Horned (Malebranche) (4e MM p. 67)
Devil, Ice (4e MM p. 63)
Devil, Lemure (1e MM p. 23; 3.5e MM p. 57)
Devil, Pit Fiend (4e MM p. 65)
Dinosaur (list incomplete)
Displacer Beast (4e MM p. 70)
Djinni (1e MM p. 28; 3.5e MM p. 114)
Dog, War (1e MM p. 29)
Dog, Wild (1e MM p. 29; 3.5e MM p. 271)
Dolphin (1e MM p. 29)
Doppelganger (4e MM p. 71)
Dragon, Black (4e MM p. 75)
Dragon, Blue (4e MM p. 77)
Dragon, Brass (1e MM p. 31; 3.5e MM p. 79)
Dragon, Bronze (1e MM p. 32; 3.5e MM p. 80)
Dragon, Chromatic (Tiamat) (1e MM p. 32; 3.0 MotP p. 118; 3.0 DaD p. 93)
Dragon, Copper (1e MM p. 32; 3.5e MM p. 82)
Dragon, Gold (1e MM p. 32; 3.5e MM p. 84)
Dragon, Green (4e MM p. 79)
Dragon, Platinum (Bahamut) (1e MM p. 33; 3.0 MotP p. 133; 3.0 DaD p. 58)
Dragon, Red (4e MM p. 82)
Dragon, Silver (1e MM p. 34; 3.5e MM p. 86)
Dragon, White (4e MM p. 84)
Dragonne (1e MM p. 34; 3.5e MM p. 89)
Dragon Turtle
Dryad (4e MM p. 96)
Dwarf (4e MM p. 97)
Dwarf, Mountain (1e MM p. 36)


Eagle, Giant (1e MM p. 36; 3.5e MM p. 93)
Ear Seekers (1e MM p. 36)
Eel, Electric (1e MM p. 36)
Eel, Giant (1e MM p. 36)
Eel, Weed (1e MM p. 36)
Efreeti (4e MM p. 98)
Elemental, Air (1e MM p. 37; 3.5e MM p. 95)
Elemental, Earth (1e MM p. 38; 3.5e MM p. 98)
Elemental, Fire (1e MM p. 38; 3.5e MM p. 98)
Elemental, Water (1e MM p. 38; 3.5e MM p. 98)
Elephant, Asiatic (1e MM p. 38; 3.5e MM p. 272)
Elephant, African (1e MM p. 38; 3.5e MM p. 272)
Elf (4e MM p. 106)
Elf, Aquatic (1e MM p. 39; 3.5e MM p. 103)
Elf, Gray (1e MM p. 39; 3.5e MM p. 104)
Elf, Half- (1e MM p. 39; 3.5e MM p. 102)
Elf, Wood (1e MM p. 40; 3.5e MM p. 104)
Ettin (4e MM p. 108)
Eye, Floating (1e MM p. 40)
Eye of the Deep (1e MM p. 41)


Flightless Bird (1e MM p. 41)
Frog, Giant
Frog, Killer
Frog, Poisonous
Fungi, Violet


Gar, Giant
Gargoyle (4e MM p. 115)
Gas Spore (1e MM p. 42; 3.5e LoM p. 148)
Gelatinous Cube (4e MM p. 202)
Ghast (1e MM p. 43; 3.5e MM p. 119)
Ghost (4e MM p. 116)
Ghoul (4e MM p. 118)
Giant, Cloud (1e MM p. 44; 3.5e MM p. 120)
Giant, Fire (4e MM p. 123)
Giant, Frost (1e MM p. 44; 3.5e MM p. 122)
Giant, Hill (4e MM p. 121)
Giant, Stone (1e MM p. 45; 3.5e MM p. 124)
Giant, Storm (4e MM p. 124)
Gnoll (4e MM p. 132)
Gnome (4e MM p. 134)
Goat, Giant (1e MM p. 47)
Goblin (4e MM p. 135)
Golem, Clay (1e MM p. 47; 3.5e MM p. 134)
Golem, Flesh (4e MM p. 142)
Golem, Iron (1e MM p. 48; 3.5e MM p. 136)
Golem, Stone (4e MM p. 142)
Gorgon (1e MM p. 49; 3.5e MM p. 137)
Gray Ooze
Green Slime (1e MM p. 49; 3.5e DMG p. 76)
Griffon (4e MM p. 146)
Groaning Spirit (1e MM p. 50)


Halfling (4e MM p. 152)
Halfling, Hairfeet (1e MM p. 50)
Halfling, Stout (4e MM p. 152)
Halfling, Tallfellow (1e MM p. 50; 3.5e MM p. 149)
Harpy (4e MM p. 154)
Hell Hound (4e MM p. 160)
Herd Animal (1e MM p. 51)
Hippocampus (1e MM p. 51)
Hippogriff (4e MM p. 146)
Hippopotamus (1e MM p. 52)
Hobgoblin (4e MM p. 138)
Homunculous (4e MM p. 156)
Horse, Draft (1e MM p. 53)
Horse, Heavy (4e MM p. 159)
Horse, Light (1e MM p. 53; 3.5e MM p. 273)
Horse, Medium (1e MM p. 53)
Horse, Pony (1e MM p. 53)
Horse, Wild (1e MM p. 53)
Hydra (4e MM p. 164)
Hyena (1e MM p. 54; 3.5e MM p. 274)
Hyena, Giant (1e MM p. 54; 3.5e MM p. 150)


Imp (4e MM p. 63)
Intellect Devourer (1e MM p. 54; 3.5e ESH p. 202)
Invisible Stalker
Irish Deer (1e MM p. 55)


Jackal (1e MM p. 56)
Jaguar (1e MM p. 56)


Ki-rin (1e MM p. 57; 3e MM p. 170)
Kobold (4e MM p. 167)


Lamia (1e MM p. 59; 3.5e MM p. 165)
Lammasu (1e MM p. 59; 3.5e MM p. 165)
Lamprey, Normal (1e MM p.59)
Lamprey, Giant (1e MM p.59)
Larva (1e MM p. 59; 3.5e FC1 p. 108)
Leech, Giant (1e MM p. 60; 3.5e ToH p. 255)
Leopard (1e MM p. 60; 3.5e MM p. 274)
Leprechaun (1e MM p. 60; 3.5e ToH p. 256)
Lich (4e MM p. 176)
Lion (1e MM p. 61; 3.5e MM p. 274)
Lion, Mountain (1e MM p. 61)
Lion, Spotted (1e MM p. 61)
Lizard, Fire (1e MM p. 61)
Lizard, Giant
Lizard, Minotaur (1e MM p. 61)
Lizard, Subterranean (1e MM p. 61)
Lizard Man (4e MM p. 178)
Locathah (1e MM p. 62; 3.5e MM p. 169)
Lurker Above (1e MM p. 62; 3.5e MM p. 38)
Lycanthrope, Werebear (1e MM p. 63; 3.5e MM p. 171)
Lycanthrope, Wereboar (1e MM p. 63; 3.5e MM p. 170)
Lycanthrope, Wererat (4e MM p. 180)
Lycanthrope, Weretiger (1e MM p. 63; 3.5e MM p. 172)
Lycanthrope, Werewolf (4e MM p. 181)
Lynx, Giant (1e MM p. 64)


Mammoth (1e MM p. 65; 3.5e MM p. 272)
Manticore (4e MM p. 184)
Masher (1e MM p. 65)
Mastadon (1e MM p. 65; 3.5e MM p. 272)
Medusa (4e MM p. 186)
Men, Bandit (4e MM p. 162)
Men, Berserker (4e MM p. 163)
Men, Buccaneer (1e MM p. 67)
Men, Brigand (1e MM p. 67)
Men, Caveman (1e MM p. 67; 3.5e Frb p. 145 "Neanderthal")
Men, Dervish (1e MM p. 68)
Men, Merchant (1e MM p. 69)
Men, Nomad (1e MM p. 68)
Men, Pilgrim (1e MM p. 69)
Men, Tribesman (1e MM p. 68)
Merman (1e MM p. 70)
Mind Flayer (4e MM p. 188)
Minotaur (4e MM p. 190)
Mold, Brown (1e MM p. 71; 3.5e DMG p. 76)
Mold, Yellow (1e MM p. 71; 3.5e DMG p. 76)
Mule (1e MM p. 72; 3.5e MM p. 276)
Mummy (4e MM p. 192)


Naga, Guardian (4e MM p. 194)
Naga, Spirit (1e MM p. 72; 3.5e MM p. 192)
Naga, Water (1e MM p. 72; 3.5e MM p. 193)
Neo-otyugh (1e MM p. 73)
Night Hag (4e MM p. 151)
Nightmare (4e MM p. 196)
Nixie (1e MM p. 74; 3.5e MM p. 235)
Nymph (1e MM p. 74; 3.5e MM p. 197)


Ochre Jelly (4e MM p. 202)
Octopus, Giant
Ogre (4e MM p. 198)
Ogre Mage (4e MM p. 201)
Orc (4e MM p. 203)
Otter, Giant (1e MM p. 77)
Otyugh (4e MM p. 211)
Owl, Giant (1e MM p. 77; 3.5e MM p. 205)
Owlbear (4e MM p. 212)


Pegasus (1e MM p. 78; 3.5e MM p. 206)
Piercer (1e MM p. 78; 3.5e ToH p. 420)
Pike, Giant
Pixie (1e MM p. 79; 3.5e MM p. 235)
Porcupine, Giant (1e MM p. 79)
Portuguese Man-O-War, Giant
Pseudo-Dragon (4e MM p. 91)
Purple Worm (4e MM p. 214)


Quasit (1e MM p. 80; 3.5e MM p. 46)


Rakshasa (4e MM p. 216)
Ram, Giant (1e MM p. 81)
Rat, Giant (4e MM p. 219)
Ray, Manta (1e MM p. 81; 3.5e MM p. 275)
Ray, Pungi (1e MM p. 81)
Ray, Sting (1e MM p. 81)
Remorhaz (1e MM p. 82; 3.5e MM p. 214)
Rhinoceros, Wooly
Roc (1e MM p. 82; 3.5e MM p. 215)
Roper (1e MM p. 83; 3.5e MM p. 215)
Rot Grub (1e MM p. 83; 3.5e MM p. 421)
Rust Monster


Sahaugin (1e MM p. 84; 3.5e MM p. 217)
Salamander (1e MM p. 85; 3.5e MM p. 218)
Satyr (1e MM p. 85; 3.5e MM p. 219)
Scorpion, Giant
Sea Hag (1e MM p. 86; 3.5e MM p. 144)
Sea Horse, Giant (1e MM p. 86)
Sea Lion (1e MM p. 86)
Shambling Mound (4e MM p. 232)
Shark, Giant (1e MM p. 87; 3.5e MM p. 279)
Shedu (1e MM p. 87; 3.5e FF p. 153)
Shrieker (1e MM p. 87; 3.5e MM p. 112)
Skeleton (4e MM p. 234)
Skunk, Giant (1e MM p. 88)
Slithering Tracker (1e MM p. 88)
Slug, Giant
Snake, Giant, Amphisbaena (1e MM p. 88)
Snake, Giant, Constrictor (1e MM p. 88; 3.5e MM p. 280)
Snake, Giant, Poisonous (1e MM p. 88; 3.5e MM p. 281)
Snake, Giant, Sea (1e MM p. 88)
Snake, Giant, Spitting (1e MM p. 88)
Specter (4e MM p. 244)
Sphinx, Andro- (1e MM p. 89; 3.5e MM p. 232)
Sphinx, Crio- (1e MM p. 89; 3.5e MM p. 233)
Sphinx, Gyno- (1e MM p. 89; 3.5e MM p. 233)
Sphinx, Hieraco- (1e MM p. 89; 3.5e MM p. 234)
Spider, Giant (1e MM p. 90; 3.5e MM p. 288)
Spider, Huge
Spider, Large
Spider, Phase
Spider, Giant Water (1e MM p. 90)
Sprite (1e MM p. 92; 3.5e MM p. 235)
Squid, Giant (1e MM p. 92; 3.5e MM p. 281)
Stag (1e MM p. 92)
Stag, Giant (1e MM p. 92)
Stirge (4e MM p. 248)
Strangle Weed (1e MM p. 93; 3.5e MM p. 334)
Sylph (1e MM p. 93; 3.0e MM2 p. 192)


Thought Eater (1e MM p. 94; 3.5e EPH p. 211)
Tick, Giant
Tiger, Sabre-Tooth
Titan (1e MM p. 94; 3.5e MM p. 242)
Titanothere (1e MM p. 95)
Toad, Giant (1e MM p. 95)
Toad, Ice (1e MM p. 95)
Toad, Poisonous (1e MM p. 95)
Trapper (1e MM p. 95; 3.5e ToH p. 346)
Treant (4e MM p. 251)
Triton (1e MM p. 96; 3.5e MM p. 245)
Troglodyte (4e MM p. 252)
Troll (4e MM p. 254)
Turtle, Giant Sea (1e MM p. 97)
Turtle, Giant Snapping


Umber Hulk (1e MM p. 98; 3.5e MM p. 248)
Unicorn (4e MM p. 257)


Vampire (4e MM p. 258)


Wasp, Giant
Water Weird
Weasel, Giant
Whale (1e MM p. 100; 3.5e MM p. 282)
Wight (4e MM p. 262)
Wind Walker (1e MM p. 101; 3.5e ToH p. 365)
Wolf (4e MM p. 264)
Wolf, Dire (Worg) (4e MM p. 265)
Wolf, Winter (1e MM p. 101; 3.5e MM p. 256)
Wolverine (1e MM p. 101; 3.5e MM p. 283)
Wolverine, Giant (1e MM p. 101)
Wraith (4e MM p. 266)
Wyvern (4e MM p. 268)






Zombie (4e MM p. 274)

Version History

Corrected errors: Blue Dragon, Green Dragon, Flesh Golem, Stone Golem, Homunculus, Guardian Naga, and Shambling Mound now listed as being present in the 4e MM.
Added link: Huge Spider (Thanks, Gregor LeBlaque!).

Created original list.

My book of 4e stats of 1e monsters

Well, it's not a book that I'll personally publish. It's my own house rule book. In my last entry, I complained about the lack of 1e monsters in the 4e Monster Manual. Since a 4e Tome of Horrors is not going to be published anytime soon, I seem to have little alternative.

Several gamers on the internet have created many 4e monsters. But the pace of production is slow, at best. And there seems to be only a few places that have focused on compiling monsters for 4e. The first place I found is the Monsters section of ENWiki over at ENworld. Another place I found 4e monsters is at the WotC forum thread, 4e Monster Compendium. If there are other places, please let me know.

So what am I going to do? Well, as I said, I'm putting together my own house rule monster book. To this end, I've made up a list of all the monsters in the 1e Monster Manual and I'm systematically finding any 4e versions of those monsters on the internet. I've been able to find several of them. But many more have yet to be made. So I'll try to make a few of my own.

In the 4e Dungeon Master's Guide, there are rules given for creation of original monsters. Thankfully, this system is less ambiguous than any of the previous editions. New monsters can have its combat statistics clearly defined from the outset and further details can be ironed out by looking at similar examples in the 4e Monster Manual. Defining the powers is the tricky part. But it's far from impossible.

I will create a single entry on this blog that I will bookmark and periodically update. It will contain a list of all the monsters in the 1e Monster Manual. Each entry will link to known home brewed 4e stats for each monster. Some of them will link to monsters that I create myself. Others on the internet can bookmark this blog entry and link to it. This will be an experiment and I don't know how well this will work out. If it doesn't work out, it's no big deal. Ultimately, I might have to move the list to a proper web page on my own web site.

Monday, October 6, 2008

WANTED: 4e Tome of Horrors

The one thing keeping me from running pre-4e modules with 4e rules is a severe lack of updated monsters. Every time I think I want to plan a game with an old module, I'm always blocked by this obstacle. Bullshitting the rest of any given module is no problem. But if I want to use specific monsters, I need to have them prepared ahead of time. And 4e does a really good job with its new method of handling monsters. But I can't run Castle Zagyg in 4e without many of the old monsters from the 1e MM.

I don't pretend to understand the liscensing controversies surrounding third-party 4e products. I don't care. Wizards of the Coast, whatever the problem is, fix it.

Oh, and gimme my DDi stuff. Gimme, gimme, gimme.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

4e Morale Check: A DM utility power

A Dungeon Master utility power? Why not?

Even though I've decided to use 4e from now on, I'm keenly interested in applying 1e concepts and traditions to the modern rule set. To that end, I've been composing my own 4e house rules.

One set of rules that I feel are neglected by 3.5e and 4e are the ones pertaining to morale checks. The morale check was an important part of D&D before 3e. In 3e, this fight-or-flight rule is essentially eliminated. Instead it is incorporated into 3e's system of attack bonuses. In 3.5e and 4e, whether or not monsters or NPCs flee while in the midst of battle is entirely up to the DM.

At first, I thought that adding morale checks to a set of 4e house rules might be a simple matter of just using the rules provided in the 1e DMG. But upon closer examination, I realized that these rules seemed archaic in the context of 4e. For example, it uses a percentage dice roll. Well, why not simply use a d20 and divide the bonuses by 20? Then I got to thinking that rules pertaining to morale could be somehow created for 4e D&D in manner that is consistent with the rest of the rules.

How can combat morale rules be created that are consistent with 4e? As detractors have observed, all of 4e D&D seems to revolve entirely around the axis of combat. Everything is defined in terms of character powers and abilities. But morale rules, something that has everything to do with combat, is strangely absent. The 4e DMG is mostly fluff and advice with scant rules pertaining to rigid conduct of the game. This was done with the purpose of simplification. Perhaps this is good because it has produced a much more unified system of rules. Perhaps this is bad because the game seems to only focus on combat.

In 4e terms, what is a morale check? In 1e and 2e, it was a roll made by the DM during combat at appropriate predefined occasions. It is never a roll made by the players. Well, I thought, perhaps a morale check could be something akin to cause fear, the 1st level cleric attack power? Fear is certainly a factor. But a morale check is not something that is rolled by a player so it can't be a character power. If it's a roll made by the DM, what does he roll against? A "moral score?" In 2e, all monsters had a moral score included with each monster description. Adding a new statistic to every single monster in 4e seemed to be counter to the spirit of the streamlined rules of 4e. Furthermore, modifying the combat system with a subset of rules handling morale checks seemed counter-productive. There has to be some way of safely inserting an optional morale check rule without "breaking" the game.

Then it hit me. Why not define morale checks in 4e as a "DM utility power?" Powers are, by definition, optional. The DM would not have to use it at all. And if the ability used in the "attack" is simply a placeholder, then the only concern would be bonuses.

So this morning I whipped up some 4e Morale Check rules:


The morale check is a utility power used by the DM against monsters or NPCs. It is never used against PCs. It can be used to check the morale of individuals or groups of individuals. In the case of groups, use the average Will score of that group.

The morale check DM utility power does not use a character ability for its "attack." Instead, the DM's Morale "ability" has a "score" of 10 and therefore has no "ability modifier." The DM merely rolls a d20, adds any relevant bonuses, and compares the result with the target's Will.

Morale Check DM Utility
You determine whether or not an NPC or monster withdraws from combat.
At-Will * Fear
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: Surprise, facing an obviously superior force, ally is slain by magic, 25% of group has fallen, 50% of group has fallen, companion slain after more that 50% of group has fallen, group leader deserts or is slain, fighting foe that cannot be harmed due to magical protections, ordered to attempt a heroically dangerous task, offered temptation (bribe, chance to steal, etc.), told to act as rear guard, directed to use up an encounter power, directed to use up a daily power, directed to use charge from a personal powerful magic item, given chance to surrender, or completely surrounded.
Prerequisite: You must be the DM.
Requirement: You must be a grognard. ;)
Target: One creature or group of creatures with averaged Will.
Attack: Morale vs Will
Hit: If the attack roll succeeds, the target will fall back but keep fighting (save ends). If the attack roll succeeds by 3, the target will disengage and/or retreat (save ends). If the attack roll succeeds by 6, the target will flee in panic (save ends). If the attack roll succeeds by 10, the target surrenders.

Morale Bonus

Listed below are conditions and situations that can affect morale check bonuses.

Target abandoned by friends: +6
Target bloodied: +6
Target is chaotic: +1
Target is fighting hated enemy: -4
Target is lawful: -1
Target is surprised: +2
Target's group is fighting wizards or magic-using foes: -2
Target is level 5 to 10: -1
Target is level 11 to 15: -2
Target is level 16 or more: -3
Target is defending home: -3
Target has cover: -1
Target's leader is of different alignment: +1
Target's most powerful ally killed: +4
Target is PC ally NPC that has been favored: -2
Target is PC ally NPC that has been poorly treated: +4
None of target's enemies have been slain: +2
Target's group is outnumbered by 3 or more to 1: +4
Target's group outnumbers opponents by 3 or more to 1: -2
Target is unable to affect opponent: +8
Target group has magic-using creature: -2

Perhaps the wording of the trigger entry could be simplified. And perhaps the list of morale bonuses could be simplified, eliminated, or somehow incorporated into the power's description entry. I'm open to suggestions.

One interesting side effect of applying the 4e mold to this 1e concept is the idea of essentially treating the effects of a morale check as a saving throw. I like how 4e simplified saving throws and treats them just like an AC defense score. If a morale check power is applied in this manner, fleeing creatures might make a saving throw and return to battle.

The idea of a DM utility power could be a practical solution to re-introducing old school game concepts to 4e. I haven't tried this in actual game play. But my intuition tells me that it might work just fine. If this concept of a DM utility power is viable, I have a feeling that this might open up tremendous possibilities.

As described at the beginning of the fourth edition Player's Handbook, Dungeons & Dragons is an exception-based set of rules. From my perspective as an amateur programmer, it also appears to be modular in the sense that you start with a core library of functions and then build upon it. Unlike previous editions of D&D, 4e seems to be more conducive to this mindset. DM utility powers could open up an entirely new "library" of "functions" that are waiting to be written.